Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Meet Lizzy

As in Lizard.  As in the one that Emma caught as her pet and is now loose in my dining room.
Who said I needed boys?  


Chelsea said...

Oh my gosh! I would completely freak out if one of my girls brought a lizard in my house! You are one cool momma, lol!

The Hills said...

We had a pet lizzard for a few days...until it started turning a pasty green color and we begged TJ to let it go so it would L.I.V.E. Every day is an adventure!

Pam said...

We have lizards in our house all the time. Our most memorable incident was when we had a cat. The cat was chasing the poor thing around the house while it was in labor. Yes, that's right, I noticed the lizard had four hind legs then realized it was delivering a baby. Talk about difficult labor!

Hyperactive Lu said...

Oh no!! We had a baby lizard in our kitchen a few days ago!!! EEEK!!!

EmilytheCreative said...

I think he was in my mums the other day... and in my house a few days before that.. I believe he was running from Zoey.. or maybe my screams. ::Shudders::