Monday, August 08, 2011

The No Title Post

Will words ever come again?  I don't know...

We're in the midst of living a life that we are constantly trying to figure out as we go.. A life where things happen that I'd like to ignore so that we can soak up every second we have with the love that we've made.  The two beautiful little girls that are spunky, and a amazing, and completely exhausting.. The ones that turn another year older every time we turn around..  I can't ignore life, but I want to steal every second that I can.   I can't sleep but I can't write either... So I'm going to go crawl back in bed next to that little person that crawled into my bed and woke me up to begin with and try to memorize how her little body feels lying next to mine.  To imprint it in my memory.  Because it won't be long before it's much bigger and I'll be longing for the memory that, no matter how hard I try, to put into words here, can only be captured through experience...  Too much life to write down...  Maybe, one day, when they're unavailable to me,  when they're off doing bigger and better things, I'll write about the memories... But for now, they're mine to cherish..  So I will go and write these memories upon my heart :-)...


BASSakward Tales said...

no my sweet friend, it won't be long before they are grown...but if this gives you any comfort, they will still come to you and want that mother's touch...mine are 12 and 20 and they are still momma's babies...they grow up, their mouth gets bigger than their behind, they will do things that breaks your heart, but you will still love them and they will always want you.....i love you and adam and although you may not thing so, I think yall have done a great job with the girls...

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh what a sweet, sweet post!!

Holly-- The Storm Chaser said...

I love you and miss you! And I love this post.

Keri Najmola said...

Oh, Dana! This is so very true! I was just getting emotional over the same thing a bit ago. Write those memories in your heart....for they will always be there! Love you!