Saturday, July 21, 2007

We've officially crossed the bridge to being old and dorky

I'm sure that you're already thought that we were old and dorky but I have to tell you, we've hit another plateau. I told you last week that Adam's Jeep bit the dust. Well, after swearing for many years that he'd never drive a minivan, we decided that buying a minivan was the most practical decision for us at this point. I will clarify that the minivan will be my vehicle and Adam will now be driving the Accord. But I will also include that Adam did in fact test drive the minivan. So, we bought a Honda Odyssey. It's very nice and we got a good deal on it and I'm sure it's going to be a great fit for our growing family.

But here's the best part.... We were getting ready this morning to go shop for a minivan. Adam had gotten ready before me so I got out of the shower, and got dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a brown shirt. I walk into the spare bedroom only to find Adam also in a brown shirt. I also need to tell you that we've given people permission to shoot us if we ever dress to match. So I look at Adam and say, "I'm not changing, my wardrobe is limited". Before Adam has a chance to change, in walks Emma who says, "Oh, I want to wear a brown shirt too". Now, I think that I can be clever so I say, "I don't think you have a brown shirt". Emma says, "I have a brown tank top". She hasn't worn it since last summer but it was still in there. So, yes, we went shopping for a minivan in matching clothes. I want this down on record because when Emma is a teenager and is embarrassed by her dorky parents, you guys are my witnesses, she started it.

Love from Above,


Anna said...

you guys with a minivan. atleast it's not like our space shuttle. haha. and you guys matching is just cute. my family still does that on accident now and then. i think it's funny. anyway, i'm looking forward to seeing you drive this new vehicle. =D
i love you much!

Shaun said...

Dork is an understatement

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that Adam's Jeep bit the dust, but I'm sure you will enjoy the minivan. I remember when we made that step. I was sure nice to have the extra room.

I certainly wouldn't say that you 2 are dorky and old because what would that make us. I must admit that long long ago, Keith and I did dress to match on occasion. So, at least you did it by accident, and your children can't say that you meant to. It is really embarrassing to acknowledge that. Love you, Lynn

Tony and Susan said...

Wow! how exciting... and dorky all at the same time. That is awesome that you're getting a good, practical vehicle, though! Emma will DEFINATELY deny that story one day :).