
Monday, August 16, 2010

2nd Grade-- I did it with no tears.... Well, Almost..

Today was the first time that I left Emma for the first day of school without crying.. I did get a little weepy when I came home and compared this year's pictures to Kindergarten and First Grade.. But all and all, we were all ready for school to start this year.  After dropping Emma off, I looked back at Chloe and said, "Well girl, it's just you and me now" and Chloe cheered for joy.  Seriously, not kidding... We had a wonderfully fun and exceptionally exhausting summer.. We are in dreadful need of a routine.  And each girl will now get the individual attention that they've been competing for all summer.  It works out since we carpool, that I am able to put Chloe down for a nap about an hour before Emma is scheduled to be home, have some alone time for me, and then some alone time with Emma when she gets home..

Chloe will also go to preschool two days a week this year.  And just in time since I've started  assisting my photographer friend, Mary Beth, with photo shoots.   I will not link to Mary Beth here because it would identify my location to the paparazzi (hey, don't mess with my fantasies.. Since the world doesn't think my life is as interesting as I do, I  make up my own stalkers).  But, I'll just say she's a great friend and a blast to work with.   If you're local and you want some great photos, e-mail me and I'll give you links to our site... But, you better hurry!  At the rate the calls are coming in, we'll be booked for the rest of the year before August is over.    It will also give me a little time to work on The Mom-tage, a collaborative mom blog that my dear friend Holly and I started last year.  I'm excited to get a chance to spend some more time on both of these projects and I'm especially thankful for the blessing of friendship that both of these girls have brought in my life this summer.  For the first time in my life, I have actually succeeded at fulfilling a New Years Resolution (if you're that curious, that post would be in um, January in my archives).    

Speaking of The Mom-tage.. I'm so excited about the book chat we're doing at the end of September with  SHARI BRAENDEL, author of GOOD GIRLS don't have to DRESS BAD.  You can see all of the details over at The Mom-tage .  Click on the Mom-tage Moms tab to get on our e-mail list and to add your blog to our list.  We look forward to chatting with you there!  

And speaking of photos... Please do not take these photos of Emma below to represent my photography skills..  Not only does Emma's school starting at an ungodly hour make me feel like beating the alarm clock with a baseball bat, it also doesn't make for great "first day of school pictures" since it's barely daylight when we leave..

But feel free to weep along with me about how fast she's growing..

Well I must run now.. Though Chloe will not be happy with me for prematurely waking her from her nap, I'm off to get my second grader.  I just can't bring myself to let anyone else pick her up on the first day.  I always like to see her fresh reaction to her first day of school... Oh, and I made her favorite cream cheese danishes as a surprise to send in her lunch and I've been wondering all day how she reacted.. How cheesy is that?  (No pun intended).

See previous school year posts here: 





  1. Now...wait a minute?! Homemade cream cheese danishes?!?! Where is THIS recipe?! :)

    Hope she had a good day and the new school year brings exciting things for everyone!! AND YAY! for checking something off your NYR list!

  2. Dana said...
    Well hello there. If you're reading this, it means that you're a commenter and one of my favorite people..And since one of my favorite people asked about the cream cheese danishes, I thought I would leave the recipe here for those of you who love me enough to comment.

    Just to clarify (you know I do have ethical blogger stamp) I didn't say homemade.. I mean I did make them at home and in my book, that makes something homemade. But to you more serious cooks, this probably would not be considered homemade. For truly homemade recipes, you should head to the above commenter's blog.

    Still these are super yummy and super easy.

    So here you go..
    2 rolls of crescent rolls
    cream cheese
    1 cup of sugar

    In a casserole dish lay one roll of crescent rolls on bottom, mix cream cheese and sugar and layer on top of crescent rolls then top with the other roll of crescent rolls. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 until brown on top.. And people will be running home to smack their mommas.

  3. Sounds DElicious! :) I'm all about stuff to make me fall off the "lose that BABY WEIGHT" wagon!!! And your comment above made me laugh! ;)

  4. OHHHH! I've had one of these before!!! A lady at school used to make them for every potluck and they're WONDERFUL. I didn't have the recipe but now I do... so thanks! :)
    Love the first day pics through the years! Our oldest starts preschool in two weeks (just 2 mornings a week) and is super excited. I have mixed feelings but know I'll enjoy a couple of "breaks" a week.

  5. I am a HUGE fan of your cream cheese danishes - the last time I had them was my lingerie shower!! (yep, almost 8 years ago!) I think I just might have to bust some out over here.

    Wow, I mean... I knew that Emma grew, but I had no idea how much. I love her little baby face in that Kindergarten picture. Geez!

    Speaking of THE MOM-TAGE, I am pretty excited about having some free time (now that SJ is in school) so I can get to reading. Looking forward to actually knowing what we're talking about in the book chat! :)

    Love you.

  6. Proud of you! I still get teary when I think of those "first days" of school. It will be great to have one-on-one time with each of the girls. How wonderful some time for yourself as well. All stages of motherhood are good if you see the good in those stages....and you are finding those good things!! I wish you were closer and could take pictures of Megan while she is pregnant and then afterwards. I'm so glad you are pursuing your talent of photography. I lost my identity for awhile in my marriage and in my motherhood and I have since mentored young mothers to not lose themselves within their important relationships. I have found from experience that when you have your personal goals you are able to serve those you love the most the best!

    ~Tina (always love and prayers for you and yours)

  7. I love that picture of your husband walking them into my old stomping grounds. :) So glad she is loving school.

    Those danishes sounds dee-lish. Will you be making them for the mothers' club recipe swap? ;)

  8. Just made the danishes and they're incredible! I'm taking half to a friend tonight but am using every bit of willpower to restrain myself from eating the other half (want to save a few for DH). YUMMMM

  9. Can't believe she is in 2nd grade already!! I hope she has a fantastic year!

    I'm going to have to try that recipe when I get a minute to breathe. It sounds so yummy!

  10. i completely understand the bittersweetness of the first day of oldest graduated from high school this past year and my youngest started 6th grade this year - changing classes the whole shabang...time flies even when you are not having fun...your girls are very blessed to have you and adam as their role models and parents...yall have done a good a great job....

  11. I am not looking to my little girl's first day of school when it comes. I can't believe how fast they grow!

    Thanks for the follow! I am returning it now. Stop by and add your blog to the blogshare community at Housewife Eclectic. Find new blogs and gain new readers!

  12. I think it will get harder for me. Sending Wesley off to Kindergarten was easy because I felt like a rock star mom for arranging pretty much a standing play-date for the world's most social little boy! It will start to sink in to me when school becomes more work and less play!

    I remember Emma's outfit from first day of school last year... one of the cutest I've ever seen!

  13. I love the pictures from each year of school lined up like that! What a great idea. You can really tell just how much they change from year to year! She's getting sooooo big!
