
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday Emma!

Commentary coming once I find the time to think straight enough to put my tears into words ;-)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.

C.S. Lewis

Monday, June 20, 2011

Room Redos and what my blogging lost to...

This is part of what has me so far behind on blog posts.  I was trying hard to get organized before the kids got out of school for the summer.  Though I didn't get all that I wanted done, I did make a significant dent in things..  We gave both of the girl's rooms a makeover and I'm in the process of putting labels on EVERYTHING...  I am not naturally, a label kind of obsessive girl... But I have found that I live in a house full of nerds and though they won't listen to a word that I say, they love to read and for the little one that doesn't read yet, the pictures work wonders!  In fact, the labels have worked so well, I am in the process for making some for every room in the house. 

Chloe's Room

  Chloe had previously been in a full sized bed that was just placed on a frame so that it was low to the floor.  My mom had saved my bed from when I was little.  Since it had been kept in an out door storage building, it needed a bit of work..



labels for Chloe's room


Emma's Room
Emma was in a loft bed which is now working as a great space for rubbermaid storage boxes in our garage. (Pictures coming soon)..  For Emma, we brought down the bedroom suite from the spare bedroom that Adam's mom had given us.  Don't worry, you can still come visit us, there's still a bed up there...  Not being in the mood to paint the very pink walls, I decided to combine a hot pink and orange to grow it up a little bit for her... I ran into a little snag when I went to remove the tacky border (I really should have gotten a picture of this one) that was put up by the previous owner... They had painted almost to the ceiling, leaving about a inch of bare wall.. Since I've been unsuccessful in getting a good match to the paint, I acquiesced.   Though I detest wallpaper borders, I put up a thinner, polka dotted border.  

Recently, we added the picture that I made Emma for her birthday.  It contains a quote from one of my history favorites, Eleanor Roosevelt.   Did you know that during the Civil Rights movement, in a public meeting in Birmingham AL, Eleanor Roosevelt once straddled the aisle between the segregated black and white sides, refusing to place value on a person based on their color? Wasn't she the coolest?

And I LOVE this quote... 

labels for Emma's room

labels on everything...


more labels

labels for playroom

Master Bedroom

And, I added some shelves to the office space in our bedroom to try to keep things from stacking up on the desk... Adam came in later and put some brackets up because the floating shelves didn't hold the weight I wanted them to hold.   I eventually want to paint my $10 yard sale desk a de-stressed vintage aqua.. But for now, we're going for function.. Maybe one day, I'll bring it all together in beauty like those slick decorating blogger mommas... But that will surely be after I finish the degree I'm about to start working on.  

 I also have worked out a great laundry room system and a fun homework/project space for the girls that I need to take pictures of... 

And since I'm, once again, officially a college student.. I hope to finish things up in between the time that the girls go back to school and I start classes in September... 

Hopefully, I will be back with a follow up post... But considering the fact that there's still a Christmas post I haven't done, no promises that will surely be broken made here..



Monday, June 13, 2011

Wrapping Up Second Grade

Please excuse the black boxes.  I try hard to protect their location and not post pictures of kids without parents permission.

  Summer has officially began.. I'm going to try to go back through the mounds and mounds of pictures that I haven't posted over the past few months and get them in place.

Emma, racked up on awards at second grade awards day.   I think we all take it for granted that she's going to get the academic and behavior awards.  I do realize that one day, this could change and I'm going to really realize how much for granted I took this.  But, we knew up front that she had achieved those awards.  The big surprise was the Art Award.  I am so proud of the way she pours herself into everything she does.  But I think because of the circumstances, we were all most excited about this award.  She was so disappointed that she didn't get it in first grade and she left the awards day that day vowing to "get it next year".  I love that she sat her mind to it and achieved it.    She's smart, there is no doubt.  But, it's her determination that testifies to her character.  I love that about her.  She so often amazes me. 


Sunday, June 12, 2011

"An individual Christian may see fit to give up all sorts of things for special reasons - marriage, or meat, or beer, or cinema; but the moment he starts saying the things are bad in themselves, or looking down his nose at other people who do use them, he has taken the wrong turning."
--C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Hey Batter Batter

If you want to improve your prayer life, put your kid on a little league team.  

Even though starting out at this age put Emma playing with much more experienced players, she played her first season of softball.  The schedule kicked our tails but it was a great experience.  Our city has a great rec department.  The coaches were great and we made some life long friends. 

Emma caught on quickly and made a great little rookie.  I think we have a future ahead of many nights at the softball fields.