
Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Click here to get a free sample of a Reach Access Flosser!


Freebie of the Day!

I started writing about our trip to Gatlinburg last night but the post has been growing and growing. A new transmission and tire later, all the mishaps make me think that they wouldn't even write the things that happened into a sitcom because it would be too unbelievable. But, we all are safe and we are able to laugh about it. Maybe we're laughing to keep from crying but we're laughing.

Anyway, I'm still working on it so I thought until I figured out how to break it up into readable segments, I would try to keep my blog alive by offering you links to freebies that I have come across during my coupon quest. Which by the way, I'm going to have to get even better at to pay for the debt we've occurred in the last couple of days. So, today's freebie is for a Schick quatro razor. Just click on the link and fill in your info and the razor should be on it's way.
