
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Her First Breath Took Ours Away

Born August 30th 2007 11:56 a.m.
7 lbs 4 oz. 20 and 1/4 inches long.
We all are doing well. I will post the official birth story soon but for now, I wanted to get some pictures up for everyone to see.
Love from Above,

Monday, August 27, 2007

Dr. Update

Ok, I went to the doctor this morning. Everything was pretty much the same since last week. Except my blood pressure was up a little. I should have known because I haven't been feeling real great and have been having headaches. Not real bad though, It was 140/80. So... I will go to the hospital at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday morning to start things moving. If things go as planned (which I'm hoping for but not counting on), I will take Emma to her class picnic on Wed. while Adam goes to the airport to get my mom and then by Thursday evening we should have a new addition to the family. So stay tuned! Chloe is coming soon!

Monday, August 20, 2007

...And Yet Another Week Has Gone By

Yes it has been another week and still no Chloe. At least not on the outside though she makes me very aware of her presence on the inside. I went to the doctor this morning. She said that I'm almost 3 cm. dilated and her words were "and your cervix is ready". She gave me the option of going ahead and inducing this week but I told her I'd like to hold off another week and let her try to come on her own. This is going to sound a little silly but I kind of want the experience of the anticipation of going on my own. So, any day now or... next week.

Time to record a few things that Emma has said lately....

I was trying to get a picture to go on here and well.. I looked at the picture and of course looked bigger in it than I wanted to so I told Adam, "I think I'm going to change shirts". And here is mine and Emma's interaction:
Emma: Oh, you're fine the way you are
Me: Oh ok, I guess I'll just leave this shirt on then.
Emma: Well, I didn't mean you look fine. I meant um (stammers a little)
Me: laughs, well what exactly did you mean Emma
Emma: (stammers some more) Um, You're a great momma!
Now how is that for a politician in the making.

And then yesterday, she was talking to her preschool teacher at church (whom she adores). Adam walked up and said, "What are you doing talking to Mrs. Maidens? You don't love her". Emma touches Mrs. Maidens on the arm and says, "He's just being silly".

And last but definitely not least.... The other day she says to me, "Mom, you know what my favorite thing about you is"? I say, "What's that" She says, "You loving me".
I think that's my favorite thing about me too :)

Love from Above

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Still Cooking

Went to the dr. yesterday. I'm 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I'm still not really feeling anything so it doesn't seem like anything is happening to me but, supposedly, that is the best way for it to happen. Then I'll just ease into labor and not have much pain at all. That will quite a switch from last time. My guess is that she'll come next week. Why? Well, this week, our friend Matt is here and could be with Emma if it happened in the middle of the night and then my mom is coming on the 29th. So, I think it just stands to reason that it would happen when we would have to scramble in the middle of the night to get someone to our house. Either way, I'm sure it'll be ok. I'm feeling really well actually so I'm not that anxious. It would be nice if she hung in there until my mom gets here. When I was at the doctor yesterday, the receptionist said, "well you're all belly aren't you". That was nice. I told her, "yeah it's been nice, I carried my first pregnancy in my ankles". I can tell a little in my face but I can still see my ankle bones so this is a good thing.

I have our bags packed and though the nursery isn't totally complete, it is close enough. I have some paintings and stuff to go on the wall that are coming so once I get it all together, I'll post pictures. We have the camera packed and Adam will take his laptop when the time comes so we should be able to get some pictures up pretty quickly after Miss Chloe makes her debut.

Love from Above,

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's the Final Count Down

Just wanted to make a short post saying that I went to the dr. yesterday and I'm 1 almost 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I don't guess that really means anything as I've known people who have stayed dilated for weeks but it does mean that something is happening. I'll try to make a post with some pictures and stuff soon but I just wanted to get that out there in case I disappear for a while.
Love from Above,